Hieros Gamos Radio, hosted by Hieros Gamos Camp out of O.T.O. Tasmania have just released Episode 11, which features an interview of Keith Readdy on the upcoming publication One Truth and One Spirit: Aleister Crowley’s Spiritual Legacy.
Hieros Gamos Radio, hosted by Hieros Gamos Camp out of O.T.O. Tasmania have just released Episode 11, which features an interview of Keith Readdy on the upcoming publication One Truth and One Spirit: Aleister Crowley’s Spiritual Legacy.
On September 15, 1963, nearly a year after Karl Germer died, Sascha Germer (Karl’s widow) wrote to Germer’s A∴A∴ student, Marcelo Motta, encouraging him to take up the work of Thelema and carry it forward. Motta had written to Sascha shortly after her husband’s death, “I am not prepared. I am not anything. It will be many years yet before I am ready to do anything. I have much work to do on myself yet […]” Motta was, according to his own account a Zelator at the time of Karl’s death, and he would recount nearly a decade later to Jame Wasserman that it was “the moment when I became able to carry on alone, but was not completely prepared.”
Nevertheless, as far a Sascha was concerned, Motta was the closest student to Germer and was to be the one to carry the banner into the future. In the letter below, she wrote to Motta, “You are young, you are the future of the Work, I did not believe when Karl said: It will take another 10 years to make Motta the heir! But spiritually you are his Heir! You have to work on in Brazil […] You fight [for] the Work! Fight with Ra-Hoor-Khuit!”
In fact, Motta’s relationship to Germer and his intentions with Thelema lied solely in the work of the A∴A∴. Yet, Motta was never actually granted any charter in the O.T.O. (although Germer had mentioned it to him over the years of their correspondence).
Motta would later indeed carry on the work of the A∴A∴ and announce its resurfacing in 1975 in his publication of The Commentaries of AL. However, it would be Grady McMurtry who would hold a greater claim to the O.T.O. It was that fateful summer of 1976, these two giants would clash for successorship in the Thelemic movement, events which continue to influence the movement today.
On July 18, 1941, Aleister Crowley wrote to Karl Johannes Germer to inform him that he was to succeed the Beast upon his death in both the O.T.O. and the A∴A∴. Also known by his magical name as Frater Saturnus, Karl Germer would take over the two Orders in 1947 and would act as Crowley’s successor until his death in 1962.
Although Germer did not much advance the aims of the O.T.O., he did manage to secure and consolidate Crowley’s literary estate. He published many works by Crowley, including many texts that were previously unavailable in the Beast’s lifetime such as Magick Without Tears and Liber Aleph.
July 18, 1941 e.v.
c/o Dennes and Co.
London E.C. 4
By these Presents, I, Edward Alexander Crowley, otherwise known as Aleister Crowley, or as To Mega Therion, chief of the A∴A∴, or as Baphomet, Frater Superior and O.H.O. of the O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis) do appoint Mr. Karl J. Germer, now residing […] to be my personal agent and representative in the United States of America.
I hereby authorize and empower him to initiate, carry through, and conclude any contracts that he may see fit to make on my behalf especially as concerns my work as a writer and lecturer.
All persons in authority under me in connection with the A∴A∴ and O.T.O. are to recognize him as their chief.
This present document is to be regarded as Equivalent to a Power of
Attorney, and is to be valid until further notice.
Witness my Hand
Edward Alexander Crowley Aleister Crowley To Mega Therion 666 9°=2· A∴A∴ Baphomet O.H.O. X° 33° 90° 97°